ECO: Eco Beauty Award
Sustainability Principle 1: How does your entry help to reduce or eliminate the build-up of substances from the earth’s crust?
Raw material extraction/processing 83% of our ingredients are made of renewable vegetal origin. Natura prioritizes the use of ingredients from renewable sources and invests in developing raw materials from social biodiversity. Natura monitors supply chains via rigorous verification.
Creation/Production Natura reduces and offsets greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions throughout the chain. In 2012, Natura replaced the diesel-powered boiler in the Benevides plant in Pará with one that runs on biomass.
Packaging/Distribution Product transportation accounts for 15% of total GHG within Natura's value chain. In 2013, we pioneered using alcohol in heavy vehicles in Latin America instead of fossil fuel, and used 11 electric vehicles to deliver orders, and continue to do so.
Use and end of life Natura has reduced its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions significantly over the past years. This voluntary commitment was achieved through reduction measures throughout the chain.
Communication and advertising Natura’s sustainability, long-term vision, and short-term goals are detailed and communicated in Natura’s annual report and internal workshops. Success is measured by indexes that are assessed, published and independently audited annually.
Sustainability Principle 2: How does your entry help to reduce or eliminate accumulation of substances produced by society?
Raw material extraction/processing Natura formulas prioritize ingredients of vegetal origin and of renewable source. Internal policies restrict controversial ingredients (regulatory, safety and environmental aspects).
Creation/Production Natura Brasil holds B-Corporation status and is conscious of using recyclable and sustainable resources whenever possible.
Packaging/Distribution Natura encourages consumers to buy refills even though prices and profitability are much lower.
Use and end of life We've tested different means of collecting post-consumer waste, including a commercial partnership with collection cooperatives in São Paulo. Natura Consultants were also recruited to collect materials. By 2020, 50% of packaging will be collected.
Communication and advertising Natura Brasil holds B-Corporation status and is conscious of using recyclable and sustainable resources whenever possible. Named “UN Champion of The Earth” in 2015.
Sustainability Principle 3: How does your entry help to reduce or eliminate the physical degradation of nature?
Raw material extraction/processing We work directly with 2,846 supplier families throughout Brazil to source biodivesity ingredients and help these families build a sustainable model without cutting down the forest. Through our efforts we helped conserve 635.060 acres of forest.
Creation/Production We monitor and limit water consumption in all operations. Our soap manufacturing plant has filtering gardens which treat waste water with no chemicals—using plants whose roots have bacteria that decompose pollutants—improving water quality.
Packaging/Distribution Natura Brasil’s packaging in the US uses 100% post-consumer recycled plastic (PET) or Green PE (sugarcane-based).
Use and end of life Implemented water-footprint method to measure effects of products on living organisms when released into the environment (ecotoxicity). Natura encourages new consumption standards (refills and 100% recycled bottles which reduce GHG emissions by 72%).
Communication and advertising Natura’s sustainability, long-term vision, and short-term goals are detailed and communicated in Natura’s annual report and internal workshops. Success is measured by indexes that are assessed, published and independently audited annually.
Sustainability Principle 4: How does your entry help to reduce or eliminate conditions that undermine people’s capacity to meet their basic human needs, in your company, in your supply chain, and the communities in which you operate?
Raw material extraction/processing Natura's Amazon Program creates local economy and educates local communities to develop a sustainable business by preserving the forest. In 2016, it generated $3 million to 2,846 local families and helped conserve 256,798 hectares of standing forest.
Creation/Production Gender equality (6-months maternity leave, 40-days paternity leave, and a workspace nursery); 5.8% of our staff have disabilities (highly accessible work place and sponsors for the hearing-impaired); sustainable-business training for communities.
Packaging/Distribution Natura’s suppliers sign its 'Code of Conduct' and are assessed regularly on environmental, social, labor and human rights issues, including child labor and forced or slave labor issues. In 2016, 338 suppliers were audited and were all compliant.
Use and end of life Natura develops its products with excellence, proving efficacy, quality and safety by applying the best methods available. Natura does not test on animals (since 2006).
Communication and advertising In 2016, Natura Institute invested $7 million in education in Brazil. Supports groups involved in promoting sustainability: GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), CEBDS (Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development), WBCSD, UEBT and others.
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